Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Continued Preparation

We still have no news on when we'll be traveling.  Most days that's fine.  Some days we're impatient.  In the mean time we've been enjoying the opportunity to continue preparing to bring Ji-wan home as a part of our family.  We decided to go for cloth diapers with him instead of disposables like we did for Eli and  Anna, and I felt very domestic hanging them out to dry today :)  Little things like this allow me to continue to connect with him even though he is miles and miles away!


Joanna said...

Your cloth diapers hanging on the line are so pretty! We've pretty much decided to cloth diaper the little boy we're expecting, too, but haven't started collecting any yet.

Go Long! Go Green! said...

What a beautiful picture! I LOVE IT!!

Jill said...