Just got the following email from our adoption worker:
"Hi Andrea,
Good News!! Not only was the paperwork submitted to the Ministry, but Holt just notified us today that the EP (Emigration Permit) was issued on July 29th. Congratulations!
Sometimes, this happens..we only receive EP, not submission to the Ministry date.
Now, your son's passport and visa need to be completed by the authorities in Korea. When that has been completed, Holt will notify us that you can come to Korea. I've asked the coordinator if she knows the most current timeline from EP to travel...I'll let you know her response.
This is a nice way to start the weekend!"
We're SUPER excited about this unexpected news :)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Exciting News :)
Monday, July 5, 2010
It seems now that we are somewhat closer to our travel time, I am starting into a bit of a nesting phase! This weekend I finally got around to sorting and washing most of the hand-me-down clothes from my sister's son. We've gotten out the bedding that Alex will use and I've got plans for a little crafting to make the room complete. A few weeks ago we cleaned out all of the choking hazards that had accumulated in the playroom and moved them to Eli and Anna's bedroom. We're working on installing gates and safety locks since we didn't have to do that when we moved into our house with a 2 and a 4 yr old a few years ago. We still need a few things for the house and we need to plan for our trip, but its nice to know that if we got the call to go tomorrow we'd be pretty much ready :)